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Renewable solutions

Realising the renewables ambition

SHV Energy is committed to providing its customers a range of energy solutions which address cost efficiency and environmental concern. 

The infographic below illustrates the offerings we are developing to provide to our current and future customers.


Market leader in LPG distribution

Energy efficiency


Into the future

New decentralised grids

On-site generation

Supplying bioLPG to our customers

Shaping our growth

How do we plan on developing our new solutions and shaping growth?

  • Leverage our global platform to realise new opportunities within the distributed renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.
  • Invest in successful companies and enable their growth ambition.
  • Provide solutions to address the changing energy needs and growing demands of customers.
  • Geographically, we are interested in Europe and Asia. Sector-wise, our current focus lies on energy efficiency companies for district heating & cooling, storage, digital & demand side solutions, energy management, building & equipment upgrades and C&I Solar.

Short and long-term ambition

SHV Energy’s ambition is to build a sizable business through targeted acquisitions. That’s why we are investing in future energy services and solutions. Not only because our current and future customers require it, but because we aim to move the industry forward.

We are interested to invest in companies with:

  • Aspirations to stay/be leader in their niche market
  • Clear growth ambitions with a solid business plan
  • Ambition to sustain autonomous operations
  • A strong management team
  • Operations in one or more of our existing geographies
  • A robust customer base


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Interested in Solar Solutions?  

Renewable solutions supporting image 1

Areas we are interested in

We are committed to developing a substantial position within the distributed energy and energy efficiency sectors.

Distributed energy

To ensure our present and future customers have access to energy services they need from a trusted partner, we are actively seeking distributed energy generation opportunities which can offer advanced power solutions.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for our customers to contribute to the global climate challenge. While energy efficiency solutions can take many different forms, we are committed to being able to offer customers services including building retrofits, equipment upgrades, digital energy management and monitoring.

In Europe, our current focus is on energy efficiency companies for district heating & cooling, storage, digital & demand side solutions, energy management and building & equipment upgrades.

Energy challenges

Need energy efficiency advice?

Want to work with us to develop renewable solutions?