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Climate change Supergasbras, Brazil 6/19/2018

Supergasbras brings energy efficiency to logistics in Brazil

At Supergasbras, we have been developing ways to increase the efficiency of our truck fleet. The fleet is responsible for delivering all of our LPG, and it is also the second highest share in our carbon footprint, directly after customer end use.

In May of 2018, we implemented a fuel card system from CTF for our Corporate Fleet gas station use. Each card is linked to an individual vehicle, and each driver has a personal password, allowing the system to automatically register mileage – as well as the amount and price of the fuel supplied – without human interference. Immediate access to this information at the point of sale provides us with better data and more precise measurement of our expenses and fuel use.

A project to increase distribution efficiency

At the same time, Supergasbras is developing the Logistics Grid Optimization Project. The goal is to increase distribution efficiency across our primary supply flows and secondary distribution. We are currently working with a specialised company that will help us revise our current grid and identify new opportunities, along with the integration of an information and knowledge tool specifically built for our operation. This will make it possible to continuously revise our logistics grid anytime there is a significant change that might impact distribution. The project will be divided into three aspects. We will define the grid during the strategic scenario. During the tactical scenario, we will make short term revisions with the goal of ensuring the best possible operation. And during the internalisation of knowledge scenario, we will train our team to use the new tool. The first step of the project – the revision and mapping of the operation – started in February.

A customer telemetry system to reduce carbon emissions

In parallel – and aligned to our customer-focused strategy – we began implementing a new a bulk telemetry system at the end of 2017. This system triggers alerts if installation levels fall below a certain threshold, if consumption has stopped, if transmission is interrupted, and a variety of other parameters. The resulting centralised customer data helps us create increasingly efficient plans for our bulk deliveries. This in turn reduces the amount of fuel used and lowers carbon emissions.

These projects are just three ways in which Supergasbras is working to increase efficiency and reduce pollution across our operations.