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Products and services Primagaz, Scandinavia 5/6/2020

Pioneering bioLPG in Scandinavia

Woman sitting on a couch at a fireplace
At SHV Energy, we are proud to pioneer bioLPG. Since launching it in March 2018, we have considerably grown the volume of bioLPG available to customers in six of our key European markets.

“When we visit customers, they are very interested to find out what bioLPG is and how it could work for their energy use,” explains Jesper Søndergaard, Commercial Manager at Primagaz Scandinavia. “We explain how bioLPG is produced by our suppliers, what different bio-based waste and residue feedstocks are used to create it, and how this helps keep its carbon footprint extremely low. Customers are really keen to understand how this product is a ‘drop-in solution’, meaning they don’t need to make any additional investment and have all the convenience and flexibility they are used to.

Customers in Scandinavia rely on Primagaz to supply gas for a variety of applications including industrial heating, as well as a wide range of off-grid leisure activities that utilise cylinders. This is a particularly important customer segment for whom the environmental aspects of tourism, outdoor pursuits and nature protection are key.

“Customers are really keen to understand how this product is a ‘drop-in solution’, meaning they don’t need to make any additional investment and can keep all the convenience and flexibility they are used to”

Jesper Søndergaard

Commercial Manager at Primagaz Scandinavia

The benefits of bioLPG

There are several environmental advantages in switching away from solid fuels, such as diesel or heating oil, to bioLPG. Switching from heating oil to bioLPG creates a significant carbon footprint saving and improves local air quality. For example, switching from heating oil to bioLPG represents an 80% reduction in carbon emissions.

“We’re offering customers the opportunity to decarbonise with little additional investment required. In many older remote properties, you can’t really use solar panels and heat pumps and be certain you can have the same level of comfort as with the existing infrastructure. In contrast, with bioLPG you can – and at a much lower cost than if you had gone for other solutions, not to mention it involves less inconvenience for the customer. It offers a real opportunity for our customers who live and work off-grid,” Jesper explains.

In 2019, we signed a contract with the global service station chain Circle K that ensures the cylinder gas sold in its 297 stores across Sweden will be 100% bioLPG from April 2020, making it even easier for customers to make the switch.