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Climate change Head office, The Netherlands 1/8/2020

A seasonal gift and a sustainable resolution for 2020

At this time of year, with the festive holiday period ending, many of us turn to thoughts of making plans and resolutions for the new year and, significantly this year, to a new decade. At SHV Energy the plans began back in December 2019 when it was decided to give employees a gift with a difference that sent a seasonal message of sustainability and a greener future. "We strive to engage every employee to contribute to our sustainability performance, turning their individual behaviour into collective impact" explains Frank Rietdijk, Group Sustainability Manager at SHV Energy. 
Frank Rietdijk GREY
“We strive to engage every employee to contribute to our sustainability performance, turning their individual behaviour into collective impact”

Frank Rietdijk

Group Sustainability Manager at SHV Energy

Environmental benefits and exponential growth

The environmental benefits from the scheme are significant and perfectly fit with the SHV Energy stated ambition of increasing the supply of renewable bio-based energy.

The oil produced from the nuts from the tree is a renewable fuel, and a direct green alternative to fossil fuels providing CO2 compensation. Profit is also generated from the scheme and SHV Energy decided to reinvest all these harvesting profits into growing new trees. This way, the environmental impact improves exponentially over time.

With the chosen location in Latin America, it also contributes to active reforestation and supports the local economy with the production of renewable fuels and protein feed.

Individuals can ‘track’ their own tree

The figures are impressive, just 10 trees planted can compensate for 6,000 km by car or by aircraft a 10-hour flight time. To monitor this a personal certificate was handed out to each employee, making it possible to track down each tree individually and see how much CO2 is captured over time. 

A great, green resolution for 2020 – Happy New Year!

Flowers and cards