We accelerated our efforts to mitigate climate change in 2021 by applying renewed intensity and urgency, without compromising on the safety and wellbeing of our people and customers. Our report describes the steps we are taking in our core, adjacent, and new activities to help make our economy energy- and resource-efficient, and ultimately to achieve defossilisation and climate neutrality.
In this year’s report, we again share our performance and key achievements in our five aspirational goals, and outline how we are preparing for anticipated legislation by integrating sustainability KPIs into our financial reporting.
Finally, we invite you to read our 17 new impact stories, which highlight our global programmes through the voices of our people. A Sustainability Report is only ever possible through team work, and the support and engagement of our people across our global family of companies:
Calor Great Britain Calor Ireland Gaspol Poland Ipragaz Turkey Liquigas Italy Pinnacle USA Primagas Germany Primagas Spain Primagaz Benelux Primagaz France Primagaz Scandinavia SHV Energy China Supergasbras Brazil SUPERGAS India Prima LNG Balcas EM3 Sunsource Energy
Download our full report here: https://www.shvenergy.com/our-impact/sustainability-reports
As part of SHV Energy's broader commitment to supporting the energy transition, for the last six years its Italian subsidiary, Liquigas has championed…
Go to articleSHV Energy and Ireland-based DCC Energy announced today that they will collaborate to promote the development of renewable liquid gas.
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