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Impact stories

120 impact stories

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Talent attraction, development and retention • Turkey • 4/26/2023

Familiarising interns with the energy sector

Our internship program that is promoted as an employer branding activity is called ‘Ibiza’, short for ‘Ipragaz Business Academy’.

Anti-bribery and corruption • USA • 4/26/2023

Embracing ethics and compliance

From 28th November to 2nd December 2022, Pinnacle Propane held its 2nd Annual Ethics & Compliance Week. At Pinnacle, we believe Ethics & Compliance is not just something we learn, it's something we live.…

Anti-bribery and corruption • France • 4/26/2023

The importance of third party due diligence (TPDD)

The Third-Party Due Diligence (TPDD) procedure is one of Primagaz France’s processes to detect and mitigate possible compliance risks. Indeed, every company must know the probity of its partners to do…

Innovation and technology • HQ Hoofddorp • 4/21/2023

Innovation challenge funds five sustainability solutions

In 2022, SHV Energy decided to have a dedicated innovation focus on sustainability. As the first step, the innovation team and the sustainable development team planned to initiate a global Open Innovation…

Circular economy • Supergasbras, Brazil • 11/23/2022

Waste disposal initiative in Brazil protects the environment and benefits employees

A sustainable waste disposal project has been put into practice at the Betim Unit, Brazil with environmental and social benefits for employees. The project was born from the search for new routes for…

Climate change • Calor, GB • 11/23/2022

Calor GB launches new EV and hybrid vehicle company car scheme

In 2021, Calor GB updated its Company Car Policy to allow eligible colleagues to order an Electric or Hybrid Vehicle as their preferred company car choice. This initiative reduces carbon emissions and…

Health & Safety • Butan plin, Slovenia • 11/22/2022

Butan plin has helped over 10,000 Slovenian school pupils learn about cycling road safety

For over 10 years Butan plin, part of the SHV Energy group of companies, has been encouraging young people to get involved in safe cycling activity through their ‘Safe on the Bike’ initiative. In 2020…

Health & Safety • SUPERGAS, India • 9/14/2022

SUPERGAS introduces a new cylinder coupling and de-coupling safety process

As with all SHV Energy businesses, SUPERGAS place health and safety as number one priority. Keeping customers and colleagues safe in all areas of business operations is vital as well as committing to continuous…

Talent attraction, development and retention • Ipragaz, Turkey • 9/14/2022

Ipragaz colleagues connect and communicate with “MAAİLE” on an in-house Instagram account

The pandemic has had an impact on all individuals and affected daily activity with the emergence of new “normal”, a working model. Colleagues work from home when possible, controlling and managing the…

Talent attraction, development and retention • Calor, Great Britain • 9/14/2022

Calor GB provides colleagues with new parental leave support package

Calor GB has announced some very positive changes to its maternity, paternity, and adoption policies, with a forward-thinking employee wellbeing and family-friendly improvement package that will not only…

Innovation and technology • Liquigas, Italy • 8/1/2022

Applying an innovation mindset to operations challenges

In November 2021, Liquigas launched the company Innovation Board, a key step to ensure continuous innovation with the aim of strengthening the market leadership in terms of sustainability and customer…

Climate change • Supergasbras, Brazil • 8/1/2022

Supergasbras celebrate CO2 reduction with use of ethanol in light fleet vehicles

Supergasbras ended 2021 with a celebration of an important achievement. The use of ethanol in the light fleet vehicles, showed a significant reduction of CO2 to 83% of the levels of the previous month.…